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Fun Montessori Weekend Activities for Home

October 01, 2023
By Village Montessori & Preparatory School

Fun fall weekend activities to do with your child...

Go on a nature walk with your child and allow them to carry a bucket or bag...or re-purpose that plastic Halloween pumpkin used for trick or treating.

Have them collect items that remind them of fall - anything goes! Then place items in a small bin to make a sensory bin. You can use different colored rice (did you know there’s black rice?!) or dry beans, lentils or seeds to make the bin extra satisfying.

There are several skills to work on here:

▪  If your child is not yet writing or has a pincer grasp in need of strengthening, have them bury objects and pick them out with tongs or tweezers.

▪  If your child loves to play guessing games, blindfold them and work those stereognostic skills by having them try to name the object by touch.

▪  If you’re working on colors, have them match a bin object to a crayon or marker and say the name of the color as they're matching.

▪  Need an extension? Have them match the colored object to its color name that you’ve written on a sticky note.

There are so many fun things that fall offers and many of these things are found right in nature!

For more sensory bin ideas VISIT HERE.