How to Teach Your Child to Read - or Anything

At Village Montessori, our curriculum includes the two methodologies of Montessori and Science of Reading (SOR) to foster independence, a love for learning and an ease of reading. These two methodologies go hand-in-hand because both methods are backed by science on how the brain learns.
We use a simple teaching technique called the Three-Period Lesson in our Montessori classrooms. You might also hear this called the gradual release of responsibility in SOR circles. You can use the Three-Period Lesson, or gradual release of responsibility, to help teach reading, as well as truly anything you want to teach your child.
First, the lesson needs to be modeled. Second, the lesson needs to be supported as your child works towards independence. Finally, your child needs opportunities to do the lesson independently.
Steps of the Three-Period Lesson:
- Modeling is the first period where you are simply showing your child how to do something - the introduction phase.
- Supporting is the second period when you do the lesson with your child and ask them to show you how to do the work while you assist - the recognition phase.
- Independence is the third period when you ask your child to do the lesson on their own - the comprehension phase.
The Three-Period Lesson in Action:
- Write various words on a sheet of paper and show your child - This word is cat, and it rhymes with rat.
- Ask your child - Show me the word that rhymes with cat (list rat among a few other word options from which they can choose).
- Ask your child - Can you make two rhyming words (out of a few word options from which they can choose).
- Progression through these three periods is progress towards your child's independence.
You may need to spend more time in period one and two before moving to period three. That’s OK. Allow ample opportunity for period one and two and your child will eventually want to take these steps independently.
The Three-Period Lesson can be summed up as - I do, we do, you do. Use this to teach everything from loading the dishwasher to learning to read to filling out a job application. Working side by side with your child until they master a skill will provide them with the confidence to tackle tasks independently and with confidence.
To learn more about our Top-Rated Preschool in Fort Mill, SC - as well as both our Montessori and Science of Reading curriculum - visit our website or schedule a tour to see our classrooms in action!
Lisa Sheen
Science of Reading Advocate & Founder of Village Montessori & Preparatory School
Creator of The Reading Brain Courses
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